Profile Picture

Sahar Omidi Shayegan

Graduate Student at McGill University

About Me

I am a research master student in McGill University and Mila AI Institute, working on Computational Social Science, Network Science, and NLP.



I work on combining graph neural networks and natural language processing to get a better understanding of social networks.

Research Focus

I started my M.Sc. at McGill and Mila in 2022, working under the supervision of Reihaneh Rabbany. My research focuses on network science, computational social science, and graph representation.
I enjoy working at the intersection of machine learning and human sciences. By combining these disciplines, I try to uncover valuable insights from real-world data. Currently, my focus lies in the study of social networks, where I aim to identify patterns by bridging between theory and practice.
Link to Mila webpage


NRC Logo National Research Council Canada - Internship

          Duration: May 2023 - August 2023
          Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Remote)
          Role: Working on NLP with Isar Nejadgholi

UT Logo University of Tehran - Undergraduate Research Assistant

          Duration: Feb 2022 - Sep 2022
          Location: Tehran, Iran
          Role: Social Media research assistant in the Data Analytics lab under the supervision of Prof. Behnam Bahrak

AUT Logo Amirkabir University of Technology - Undergraduate Research Assistant

          Duration: Jan 2022 - Sep 2022
          Location: Tehran, Iran
          Role: Social Media research assistant in the Data Science lab under the supervision of Prof. Mohammad Akbari


Email: [name][lastname] [at] mila [dot] quebec
